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Alex Murray



Alex absorbs ambient energy from another dimension into his body allowing him to project a cobalt-coloured and heatless blast of concussive force form his body. This is often channeled through his eyes or hands. He is also capable of completely releasing all the energy that is stored in his body in a radial blast. This will leave Alex completely drained of his energy and take at least 24 hours to come to a full recovery. The force of his blasts have a measured strength of 10 tons for his age and level of control.


Alex was born into a very wealthy family on June 2nd 1992. Alex's father owns three of the largest ruby mines in the world. All three of which are in Africa so his father spends most of his time there. As for his mother, she lives in Beverly Hills and works as a very high paid financial advisor to many celebrities. Being a work-aholic it's amazing she and her husband ever found time to have as many children as they have. As for Alex, he's not a whole lot like his brothers and sisters or the rest of his family.Though he does have many traits of his mother and father in that Alex is always generous, kind and puts 110% into everything he does. Alex has donated thousands of dollars to charitys and foundations through his life.

When Alex grew up in Beverly Hills. He was going to grade school and became the most popular kid in school. Teachers were so proud of him and everything he had been doing with his life. Exellent grades, never harrassing or insulting others or even himself. Alex was raised to show confidence and self-esteem. His best friend growing up was a girl by the name Issy. She and him went through all of elementry school. Spent every summer and winter holiday together, and always attended one another's graduation ceremonies and every dance they had at school. Always being eachothers dates, even though they were just best friends. To him, she's amazing in every single way. Sometimes he questions his own feelings on her. Having been around her all his life and never really gotten into any big fights. They have helped eachother shop for one another. Back to school shopping, christimas shopping even when shopping for gifts for people. She was always their when he needed her, despite the distance between them. Her in L.A.and him in Malibu.

Ever since they first became friends everyone has mistaken them for boyfriend and girlfriend. Just they way they acted together and how they were around eachother. It was easier to pull super magnets apart then it was to take Izzy and Alex apart. Alex never really had a concrete girlfriend. No one he was in a relationship with for more then a week. He has always had commitment issues, everyone knew that. It was hard, he knew he was attractive and a great guy. Fun was just something he wanted, though it did not always give him the best reputation. Having a bit of a reputation for being a man whore, but never treating anyone of them like crap. He just couldn't stayed nailed down. Probably one of his major flaws in life, he just couldn't be kept on one woman. Yet none of them were like Izzy. He was always there for her and she was his best friend, and secretly he's been in love with her all his life just unsure how. He was able to commit to her and he has never broken a promise to her. Even after they moved apart.

It's been two years since Alex first discovered he was a mutant. With all the mutant protests and issues he hasn't been able to tell a soul what he was. Even afraid to tell Izzy. It wasn't until a few weeks after that Alex found out Izzy was a mutant that he contacted her and told her that he was as well. Now today, they both still spend alot of time together more so then before. This summer was hard, very hard. With more protesting going on then before, with the shortage of mutants. Izzy had decided that she was going to go to the Charles Xavier's school for the gifted. She left Malibu to go home and began to make the preperations and she would find a way to call the school and make sure there was room available. Alex told her that it was best. She'd be safe there. As for himself, he had not yet made his mind about whether or not he wanted to go. He would wait a day before making up his mind. In which he then called the school to find out if their was room for him. Izzy did not know he was going to be there.

What does Alex drive you ask?

A 2010 Kona Blue Mustang with Charcoal Black Leather Interior.

History At Xavier's School

Since arriving at Xavier's school for the gifted Alex has become quite friendly with a few of the students. Getting closer to some then others and already finding a bit of interest in a special girl by the name of Cortnye Ramsey. Alex's life has been fun up until about a week and a half ago when Alex got news that Izzy had died in a car accident when she was on her way to the school. Since then he has question everything he has chosen to do regarding the school. It was because of her he even came to the school. Wanting to surprise her when she got here, but it won't happen. Now he's finding himself questioning his decisions and fighting himself at every corner.

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